OIG Health Care Investigation Lawyer

Office Inspector General (OIG) Investigation Lawyer

Office Inspector General (OIG) Investigation Lawyer

Our healthcare fraud lawyers are willing to take on healthcare programs-related investigations conducted by the Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General. We provide legal help to both programs’ beneficiaries and providers at any stage of the case, from initial audit to prosecution in court.

When it comes to OIG investigations, their scope extends beyond just federal employees. Healthcare providers, defense contractors, and any entity receiving government funds could be scrutinized. It is vital to understand the implications and engage the services of a seasoned OIG investigation lawyer.

Investigated by the Office of Inspector General?

Medicare and Medicaid fraud lawyers at an NYC-based law firm Norman Spencer & Associates represent both corporate and private clients in the following types of cases:

  • Routine audits of health care programs’ records;
  • Alleged grant or contract fraud and abuse;
  • Interaction with the MFCU (Medicaid Fraud Control Units);
  • Healthcare insurance-related offenses;
  • Medicare and Medicaid related сases referred to the CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services);
  • Etc.

Both criminal and civil penalties may be applied to those charged with the crimes described above. Moreover, a healthcare provider may face exclusion from governmental medical services programs, which may lead to far-reaching financial implications that jeopardize the person’s career in the healthcare sector. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and deal with the case in a timely manner.

1. If you got contacted by the investigators, keep the conversation to the minimum and accept interview requests, but tell them that you need to contact your lawyer first.

2. Do not attempt to handle the situation by relying purely on your legal literacy. You may accidentally spill out some self-incriminating information, and federal government officials won’t hesitate to use it against you.

3. Contact experienced Medicare/Medicaid fraud attorneys at our New York City-based law firm to get a consultation on OIG investigations and audits. We will put our best foot forward while representing you in interaction with the OIG and federal agencies.

Why Norman Spencer Law Group PC?

OIG investigations can lead to civil or criminal penalties, potentially tarnishing your reputation and causing irreversible damage. These investigations are not to be taken lightly; they require an adept legal defense.

Since 2006, when our law firm was established, we have gained unparalleled experience in dealing with the HHS’s Office of Inspector General, MFCUs, and other government investigative agencies. It allows us to take on the toughest healthcare-related cases at any stage.

Case Studies

We have handled over 100 Office of Inspector General investigations and audits. Here are just a few examples:

Our client was a dentist who allegedly filed false claims to Medicaid. She faced license loss, exclusion from federally funded healthcare programs, and a fine of up to $200,000 if convicted.

Outreach: We reached a restitution settlement, and the client retained her license and evaded exclusion.

Our client was a healthcare organization investigated for improper billing practices and failure to comply with the Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) that allegedly resulted in Medicare overpayments. The provider faced a multi-million dollar fine.

Outcome: Our attorneys managed to end the case with no charges filed.

Our client was a receptionist at a healthcare institution who was investigated and then charged with submitting false bills to insurance companies after using the IDs of the company’s former employees. He was facing 20 years of imprisonment, exclusion, and a fine of up to $700,000.

Outcome: Our team of health insurance fraud lawyers reached a settlement of full restitution, five years of prison time, and a $100,000 fine.

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