NYC Bank Fraud Attorneys

NYC Bank Fraud Lawyers

NYC Bank Fraud Lawyers

New York City criminal defense lawyers and bank fraud attorneys of Norman Spencer Law Group PC represent clients charged with all types of crimes involving bank fraud in New York and nationwide.

Types of Bank Fraud Cases We Handle

Bank fraud is a generic term that embraces a wide range of federal and state-level white-collar crimes, which constitute financial crimes, such as stealing money from a New York bank or financial institution. The following types of “white collar crime” offenses fall into this category:

  • Misapplication is a federal offense that constitutes willful conversion of the funds of a financial institution to a third party’s benefit.
  • Embezzlement is basically the same federal crime, but here the perpetrator’s scheme to defraud is an insider (both misapplication and embezzlement are prosecuted under Sections 656, 657 of Title 18 U.S.C.).
  • Making false statements on the records of a New York financial institution is another offense that violates federal law perpetrated by employees, and it constitutes intentionally falsified entries on documents in order to commit a crime (Title 18 U.S. Code Sections 1005, 1006). Incorrect financial records are a highly grievous offense, which can result in federal sentencing guidelines and penalties of up to $1 Million or up to 30 years in prison.
  • Bribery is another federal offense to commit fraud that falls under the jurisdiction of Title 18 U.S.C. Section 215, which is when an entity knowingly engages in giving, offering, or promising a reward of some sort to an employee of a New York financial institution, or if the scheme involved the employee, asking or receiving such reward, to influence the institution’s business or transactions. Financial crimes such as this carry the same harsh penalties as false or fraudulent pretenses to defraud a financial institution or three times the bribe amount.
  • Bank fraud constitutes a scheme to defraud a financial institution in New York and/or any of its funds or assets, which is prosecuted under Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1344, also called the bank fraud statute. Among the crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of this federal statute law are the following: car title crimes, stolen or fraudulent checks, check kiting, credit card fraud and schemes, ATM fraud, stolen credit cards, and others.
  • Making false statements to obtain funds through a loan (Title 18 of the U.S. Code, Section 1014) carries extremely severe penalties, up to a $1 Million fine or 30 years in jail.

Some federal bank fraud-related offenses, such as check kiting, are also prosecuted under wire and mail fraud laws. State-level bank fraud crimes are often prosecuted under conspiracy, grand larceny, forgery, electronic surveillance, computer fraud, cyber crimes, and other federal statutes.

Contact Our Bank Fraud Lawyer in New York

As you may see, such alleged criminal offenses are very serious. They, therefore, require the help of an experienced bank fraud attorney in New York who has previously handled a similar bank fraud case. This is the legal counsel in an attorney-client relationship for those who work with Norman Spencer Law Group. We have represented clients in federal courts in the United States and other countries through our affiliates. Call our New York law offices today for an initial consultation if you have been charged with bank fraud. Let’s discuss your matter and see how we can help.