NYC International Extradition Attorney

International Extradition Attorney In NYC


The New York City international extradition attorneys with Norman Spencer Law Group PC represent individuals in the United States and abroad who are subject to an international extradition request.

What Is International Extradition?

International extradition is the process of turning over an alleged or suspected criminal by one country to another at its request for further prosecution. In most cases, the surrender occurs according to the treaties existing between the two countries. Extradition treaties specify the crimes for which the two countries can send out alleged criminals to one another and the surrender process. In some cases however, countries reach an agreement on surrender requests through diplomatic relations, if no treaties of such kind exist between the two parties.

Exceptions to Extradition

There are a number of factors that define whether a specific case is extraditable. Here are the most common ones:

  • the fugitive’s current location;
  • criminal charges involved (political crimes);
  • dual citizenship;
  • dual jeopardy;
  • dual criminality;
  • possible punishment in the requesting country.

Still, even when the fugitive is non-extraditable, the requesting party may ask the other party to deport or expel the person. Besides that, the U.S. courts are authorized to try criminals abducted from foreign countries by the US agents.

Contact Our International Extradition Defense Attorneys

If you or someone you know face such situation, you need to hire an experienced international criminal attorney who knows ins and outs of the surrender process both in the requesting country and the country that is the process of extraditing you. Call our extradition defense lawyers in New York City immediately for help. We handle extradition cases in all major U.S. federal courts as well as in foreign countries, and if need be we can travel to you wherever you’re in the world.