Common Patient Problems That Can Result in Professional Discipline for a New York Psychologist: Insights from Norman Spencer Law Group


Psychologists in New York are entrusted with the mental health and well-being of their patients. This responsibility carries with it a duty to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct. When these standards are not met, it can lead to serious consequences, including professional discipline. This blog post explores the most common patient-related issues that can result in disciplinary actions against psychologists in New York and how Norman Spencer Law Group can assist in defending against these charges.

  1. Boundary Violations

One of the most serious and common reasons for disciplinary action against psychologists involves boundary violations. These occur when a psychologist crosses the professional boundaries that should exist between themselves and their patients.

  • Sexual Misconduct: Any form of sexual relationship or interaction between a psychologist and a patient is strictly prohibited and can result in severe disciplinary actions, including license revocation. Even consensual relationships are not allowed due to the inherent power imbalance in the therapeutic relationship.
  • Dual Relationships: Engaging in dual relationships, where the psychologist has another significant relationship with the patient (e.g., business or social relationship), can lead to conflicts of interest and is generally discouraged. This can cloud professional judgment and may result in ethical violations.

Boundary violations undermine the trust essential to the therapeutic relationship and can cause significant harm to patients. Norman Spencer Law Group has experience defending psychologists accused of boundary violations, working to protect their rights while navigating the complex ethical and legal issues involved.

  1. Inadequate Record Keeping

Accurate and comprehensive record-keeping is a critical aspect of a psychologist’s professional responsibilities. Failing to maintain proper records can result in disciplinary action for several reasons:

  • Incomplete Patient Records: Psychologists are required to document all aspects of patient care, including session notes, treatment plans, and informed consent. Inadequate documentation can lead to questions about the quality of care provided and may be interpreted as an attempt to conceal malpractice.
  • Failure to Protect Confidentiality: Patient records must be stored securely to protect their confidentiality. Failure to do so can lead to breaches of patient privacy, which are taken very seriously by regulatory boards.
  • Falsification of Records: Any alteration or falsification of patient records can result in severe disciplinary actions, including license suspension or revocation. This can include retroactively changing notes to cover up errors or omissions.

Norman Spencer Law Group assists psychologists who face disciplinary actions related to record-keeping issues, helping them understand their obligations and defend against allegations that could threaten their careers.

  1. Incompetence or Negligence in Patient Care

Providing competent and effective care is a fundamental obligation for psychologists. When care falls below accepted professional standards, it can lead to allegations of incompetence or negligence, both of which can result in disciplinary actions.

  • Misdiagnosis or Failure to Diagnose: Psychologists must conduct thorough assessments and provide accurate diagnoses. Misdiagnosis, or the failure to diagnose a condition altogether, can lead to ineffective treatment and significant patient harm.
  • Inappropriate Treatment: Using treatment methods that are not supported by clinical evidence, or failing to provide appropriate care, can result in allegations of incompetence. This includes using techniques that are outdated or not suited to the patient’s condition.
  • Neglect of Duty: Failing to follow up with patients, ignoring critical symptoms, or not referring patients to specialists when necessary are all examples of negligence that can lead to disciplinary action.

Norman Spencer Law Group has a deep understanding of the standards of care expected of psychologists and can provide strong defenses for those accused of incompetence or negligence, ensuring that the context of the care provided is fully understood and fairly evaluated.

  1. Confidentiality Breaches

Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the patient-psychologist relationship. Any breach of this confidentiality can have serious consequences for both the patient and the psychologist involved.

  • Unauthorized Disclosure: Sharing patient information without their consent, whether intentionally or accidentally, is a serious breach of confidentiality. This can include discussing patient details with unauthorized individuals or failing to secure patient records properly.
  • Improper Handling of Records: Inadequate measures to protect patient records, such as leaving them accessible to unauthorized individuals or failing to secure electronic records, can result in confidentiality breaches.
  • Court-Ordered Disclosure Without Proper Consent: Psychologists may sometimes be required to disclose patient information in legal settings. However, failing to follow proper procedures, such as obtaining patient consent or a court order, can result in disciplinary action.

Confidentiality breaches can lead to loss of trust, legal action, and professional discipline. Norman Spencer Law Group works with psychologists to defend against such allegations, helping to navigate the complex legal landscape of patient confidentiality.

  1. Fraudulent Billing Practices

Billing practices are another common area where psychologists may face disciplinary action. Fraudulent billing, whether intentional or due to oversight, is a serious issue that can lead to investigations, fines, and even criminal charges.

  • Overbilling: Charging for services that were not provided, or billing for a higher level of service than what was actually delivered, constitutes overbilling. This is considered fraud and can lead to severe penalties.
  • Billing for Non-Authorized Services: Psychologists must ensure that the services they bill for are authorized by the patient’s insurance or fall within the scope of their treatment plan. Billing for non-authorized services can trigger audits and disciplinary actions.
  • Misrepresentation of Services: Billing for services under incorrect codes or misrepresenting the nature of the services provided can lead to allegations of fraud. This includes billing for individual therapy sessions when group therapy was provided, or for psychotherapy when only a brief consultation occurred.

Norman Spencer Law Group provides legal representation for psychologists facing accusations of fraudulent billing. The firm’s attorneys are skilled in analyzing billing practices and defending against allegations that could lead to significant financial and professional consequences.

  1. Substance Abuse Issues

Substance abuse is a significant issue that can impair a psychologist’s ability to provide competent care. Psychologists struggling with substance abuse may face disciplinary action if their condition impacts their professional responsibilities.

  • Impaired Practice: Practicing while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to severe disciplinary actions, including license suspension or revocation. The impaired psychologist may make poor decisions, provide substandard care, or harm patients.
  • Failure to Seek Treatment: Psychologists who are aware of their substance abuse issues but fail to seek treatment or take steps to ensure they do not practice while impaired can be held accountable by the licensing board.
  • Diversion of Prescription Medications: If a psychologist has access to prescription medications, diverting them for personal use is illegal and can result in criminal charges in addition to professional discipline.

Norman Spencer Law Group offers support for psychologists facing substance abuse-related disciplinary actions, providing guidance on legal options and advocating for treatment-oriented resolutions where appropriate.

  1. Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Allegations of sexual misconduct are among the most damaging and difficult issues a psychologist can face. Even when the allegations are unfounded, they can result in immediate suspension and long-term damage to a psychologist’s career.

  • Inappropriate Relationships: Any romantic or sexual relationship with a current or former patient is strictly prohibited and can result in license revocation. The power dynamics in the therapeutic relationship make such interactions inherently exploitative and unethical.
  • Inappropriate Comments or Behaviors: Even if no physical relationship occurs, making inappropriate comments or engaging in behaviors that could be interpreted as sexual in nature can lead to allegations of misconduct.
  • False Allegations: Unfortunately, psychologists may also face false allegations of sexual misconduct. These situations require careful legal handling to protect the psychologist’s reputation and career.

Norman Spencer Law Group provides robust defense strategies for psychologists facing sexual misconduct allegations, working to protect their rights and reputation throughout the legal process.

  1. Failure to Obtain Informed Consent

Informed consent is a fundamental ethical requirement in psychological practice. Failure to obtain or properly document informed consent can lead to allegations of professional misconduct.

  • Lack of Documentation: Psychologists must document that they have obtained informed consent from patients before beginning treatment. Failure to do so can lead to questions about whether the patient was fully informed of the risks and benefits of the treatment.
  • Inadequate Explanation of Risks: If a psychologist fails to adequately explain the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a treatment, the patient may claim that they were not fully informed, leading to potential disciplinary action.
  • Treatment of Minors Without Parental Consent: Special care must be taken when treating minors, as informed consent must typically be obtained from a parent or guardian. Failing to do so can result in serious ethical and legal violations.

Norman Spencer Law Group assists psychologists in understanding and complying with informed consent requirements, and provides defense against allegations of failure to obtain proper consent.


Psychologists in New York face a wide range of potential disciplinary issues related to their patient care. From boundary violations and inadequate record-keeping to allegations of incompetence, fraud, and substance abuse, the risks are significant. However, with the right legal representation, psychologists can defend against these allegations and protect their careers.

Norman Spencer Law Group has extensive experience representing psychologists in disciplinary proceedings, offering expert legal advice and defense strategies tailored to the unique challenges of the profession. By understanding the common patient-related problems that can lead to discipline and taking proactive steps to mitigate these risks, psychologists can maintain their professional standing and continue to provide high-quality care to their patients.