Category: Criminal Law

  • SEC Investigations In NYC

    SEC Investigations In NYC

    This article discusses SEC Investigative process. SEC Enforcement Staff is charged with investigating federal securities laws violations. SEC also initiates enforcement actions against private individuals and companies who SEC believes violate securities laws. At the onset of the investigation, SEC may request the target company or individual to disclose financial reports for several years. It…

  • Rape Defense In NYC

    Rape Defense In NYC

    What Are The Best Rape Defenses in New York Rape allegations are serious business and unfortunately, many allegations of sexual misconduct are not brought in good faith. A person accused of rape or other kinds of sexual misconduct should be ready for a long fight. What are the most common defenses in rape cases? Total…

  • Can You Sue a Hard Money Lender For Fraud?

    Can You Sue a Hard Money Lender For Fraud?

    What is a Hard Money Lender? In most circumstances, a hard money lender is an institution that gives loans by securing a borrower’s real estate. They usually charge a much higher interest rate than banks. However, they typically grant loans to borrowers when they can’t obtain a loan from a bank. Predatory lending is when…

  • New York Grand Jury Decisions & Proceedings

    New York Grand Jury Decisions & Proceedings

    WHAT IS A GRAND JURY? A grand jury is a group of no fewer than 16 and no more than 23 persons, which is convened by a superior court. Grand Jury investigates offenses by hearing and examining evidence to determine whether to permit prosecution of those offenses. The district attorney; A clerk or other public…

  • NYC Insider Trading Investigations

    NYC Insider Trading Investigations

    Prosecutors and lawmakers have taken a more aggressive approach against insider trading. You might have been successful in evading criminal charges in the past, but there are new systemic changes designed to make this type of evasion much more difficult. Insider trading is typically defined as using private, privileged information to buy or sell securities.…

  • What Are The Best Defenses Against The IRS Tax Fraud Investigations?

    What Are The Best Defenses Against The IRS Tax Fraud Investigations?

    Defenses During The IRS Investigations The IRS is authorized to issue administrative summonses to tax payers during civil audits and criminal investigations. In a way, these summonses serve as subpoenas and are enforceable in federal court. The government uses its power to issue administrative summonses as a way to engage in fishing expeditions, looking for incriminating…