Category: Criminal Law

  • Representing Yourself in Court: Don’t Do It!

    Representing Yourself in Court: Don’t Do It!

    When you’re charged with a crime, you’ll nearly always have best results by getting a lawyer. The majority of defendants in criminal court receive lawyer representation, particularly when a prison sentence or jail time are possible consequences. It’s hard for people to handle their own criminal cases with competence. No comprehensive statistics exist regarding the…

  • Can I get an old felony expunged?

    Can I get an old felony expunged?

    There is a lot of uncertainty around the question of expungement. Can a felony be expunged, and if so, is expungement only for certain types of felonies? Does the conviction have to be old, and if so, how old? This article will clear up a lot of myths and misconceptions about expungement and will lay…

  • Legal Documents and Licenses Immigrants Need in the U.S.

    Legal Documents and Licenses Immigrants Need in the U.S.

    There are a lot of documents and legal papers that immigrants need to keep track of when coming to America, but once they are here, the need for documentation isn’t over. From drivers’ licenses to insurance and work permits, there are plenty of legal documents that immigrants will need to have on hand. This article…

  • How Serious Can Drug Charges Be?

    How Serious Can Drug Charges Be?

    Drug charges can upend your life and carry hefty consequences. Depending on whether you were using drugs, transporting drugs, or manufacturing drugs, the consequences can be different. If you commit other crimes while under the influence of an illegal substance, you may be charged differently and more severely. While some states charge you differently whether…

  • What Are The Statutes of Limitations For Crimes In New York?

    What Are The Statutes of Limitations For Crimes In New York?

    In the state of New York, it’s required that a criminal action be started within a certain period of limitation that’s described below. Except as otherwise provided, a prosecution for a class A felony, or else a rape in the first degree, or else a crime defined or formerly defined in section 130.50 of the penal…

  • Can Defendant Testify Before Grand Jury In New York?

    Can Defendant Testify Before Grand Jury In New York?

    In New York, a defendant in a state criminal case has the opportunity and right to testify. In nearly all cases there are charges presented to the grand jury, a defendant has the right to testify before the grand jury. The issue hinges on whether the defendant must notify the prosecution, or whether the prosecution…