Category: Criminal Law

  • Should You Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer or Use a Public Defender?

    When facing legal challenges, deciding between appointing a public defender or hiring a private attorney is pivotal. For many, this choice is not just about legal representation; it’s about navigating a complex system with the best possible advocate by their side. Public defenders, often appointed for those unable to afford private counsel, are integral to…

  • What are the Penalties for Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud?

    If you find yourself navigating the turbulent waters of a tax fraud accusation, understanding the potential penalties and the gravity of the situation is paramount. Tax fraud, a serious offense, involves intentionally misleading tax authorities like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or state tax agencies by providing false information or submitting a fraudulent tax return.…

  • What Is Tax Fraud? Your Essential Legal Guide

    What Is Tax Fraud? Your Essential Legal Guide

    Tax fraud is a significant concern for anyone with taxable income, including individuals and businesses of all sizes. With its detailed and sometimes complex rules, the federal income tax law can lead to misunderstandings or missteps, potentially resulting in accusations of fraudulent tax returns. This guide aims to clearly understand what tax fraud involves and…

  • What is a Target Letter from the Federal Government?

    What is a Target Letter from the Federal Government?

    What is a target letter? Receiving a target letter from the federal government, such as the Department of Justice or other federal law enforcement agencies, is a significant event. It indicates that you are now under serious scrutiny in a federal criminal investigation. This letter suggests there’s substantial evidence linking you to a crime, marking…

  • Your Guide to Medicaid Fraud in New York City

    Your Guide to Medicaid Fraud in New York City

    Medicaid fraud investigations in New York typically begin when a Medicaid fraud investigator obtains information suggesting that a person is illegally receiving Medicaid benefits. This may involve false information on applications or reselling products acquired through the Medicaid program. Evidence can come from various sources, including business and payroll records or even insights from co-workers…

  • What is the Difference Between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion?

    What is the Difference Between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion?

    Taxes play a crucial role in our society, funding necessary public services and infrastructure. However, there’s often a cloud of confusion surrounding the terms ‘tax evasion’ and ‘tax avoidance,’ with many individuals unclear on the significant legal distinctions between them. While both concepts revolve around reducing tax liabilities, they diverge sharply in their methods, legality,…