Common Tax Evasion Schemes Investigated by the IRS and How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help

Tax evasion is a severe federal offense, with the IRS aggressively investigating and prosecuting those suspected of engaging in illegal activities to evade taxes. Understanding the most common tax evasion schemes can help individuals and businesses avoid legal pitfalls and protect their financial futures. This blog discusses these schemes and explains how Norman Spencer Law Group can provide expert legal assistance if you or your business is under investigation by the IRS.

1. Underreporting Income

One of the most frequent forms of tax evasion is underreporting income. This scheme involves deliberately reporting less income than actually earned to reduce taxable income and overall tax liability. Common ways this occurs include:

  • Failing to report cash transactions: Individuals or businesses may receive income in cash and deliberately choose not to report it to the IRS, hoping it won’t be detected.
  • Neglecting to report income from side gigs: People with additional sources of income, such as freelance work or side businesses, may omit this income from their tax returns.
  • Manipulating sales records: Businesses might alter sales records to underreport earnings, which leads to lower tax liabilities.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: If you’re under investigation for underreporting income, the legal team at Norman Spencer Law Group can conduct a comprehensive review of your financial records. We will work with forensic accountants to ensure your income is accurately reflected and present a clear defense against the IRS’s claims. Our goal is to help you resolve the matter favorably, minimizing penalties and avoiding criminal charges where possible.

2. Offshore Accounts and Income

Using offshore accounts to conceal income from the IRS is another prevalent tax evasion scheme. While having offshore accounts is not illegal, failing to report income generated from these accounts violates U.S. tax laws. Taxpayers may transfer funds to foreign accounts in countries with stringent banking secrecy laws, intending to hide their assets from the IRS.

The IRS enforces the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), requiring U.S. taxpayers with foreign financial assets above certain thresholds to report those assets. Non-compliance with FATCA can lead to severe penalties and potential criminal prosecution.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: Navigating offshore account regulations and FATCA compliance can be complex. Norman Spencer Law Group offers specialized knowledge in this area, helping clients under investigation for unreported offshore income. Our attorneys will assess your financial situation, ensure all necessary disclosures are made, and negotiate with the IRS to reduce penalties and avoid criminal charges.

3. False Deductions and Credits

Claiming false deductions or credits is another common tactic used to evade taxes. This scheme involves inflating or fabricating deductions or credits on a tax return to reduce tax liability. Examples include:

  • Inflated charitable contributions: Taxpayers might claim they donated more to charity than they actually did.
  • Exaggerated business expenses: Some taxpayers may overstate or invent business expenses to decrease their taxable income.
  • False dependent claims: Claiming dependents who do not exist or who do not qualify under IRS rules.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: If you’re accused of claiming false deductions or credits, it’s critical to have experienced legal representation. Norman Spencer Law Group will meticulously review your tax returns and supporting documentation to identify potential issues. If discrepancies are found, we will work with the IRS to correct them and negotiate penalties, aiming to protect your rights and minimize the financial impact.

4. Sham Transactions

Sham transactions involve creating the appearance of legitimate business activities or deductions when, in reality, these transactions lack economic substance. These schemes are used to shift income, hide assets, or generate fraudulent deductions. Examples include:

  • Circular transactions: Moving money between related entities or accounts without any real business purpose, solely to create tax benefits.
  • Bogus loans: Fabricating loan agreements to transfer money tax-free or to generate interest deductions that don’t exist.
  • Shell companies: Using shell companies to route income or expenses, masking the true nature of financial transactions.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: Defending against allegations of sham transactions requires a deep understanding of both tax law and financial practices. Norman Spencer Law Group’s legal team, in collaboration with forensic accountants, will analyze the transactions in question, challenge the IRS’s interpretation, and if necessary, negotiate a resolution to minimize the impact on your financial future.

5. Employment Tax Evasion

Employment tax evasion occurs when employers fail to withhold and pay the correct amount of payroll taxes to the IRS. Common tactics include:

  • Paying employees under the table: Employers might pay workers in cash and avoid reporting these wages to the IRS, thus evading payroll taxes.
  • Misclassifying employees as independent contractors: Employers might misclassify workers to avoid payroll taxes and benefits obligations.
  • Failure to file payroll tax returns: Some employers may fail to file the required payroll tax returns, hoping to avoid detection.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: Facing employment tax evasion charges can result in significant penalties and criminal prosecution. Norman Spencer Law Group can assist by reviewing your payroll practices, ensuring compliance with IRS regulations, and representing you in negotiations or court proceedings. Our aim is to safeguard your business and help you avoid the harsh penalties associated with employment tax evasion.

6. Money Laundering and Tax Evasion

Money laundering involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained money, often by passing it through complex financial transactions. When linked to tax evasion, money laundering can exacerbate legal consequences, leading to severe penalties.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: If you’re under investigation for money laundering and tax evasion, Norman Spencer Law Group will provide a robust defense. We’ll thoroughly investigate the charges, challenge the evidence, and present a strong case in court, working alongside forensic accountants to trace financial transactions and demonstrate their legitimacy.

7. Use of Trusts to Evade Taxes

While trusts are legitimate tools for estate planning, they can be misused for tax evasion. This might involve setting up complex trust arrangements to hide income, assets, or ownership from the IRS. Common schemes include:

  • Foreign trusts: Establishing trusts in foreign jurisdictions to hide assets and income from the IRS.
  • Abusive domestic trusts: Using domestic trusts to claim deductions for personal expenses, which are not legally deductible.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help: If you’re accused of using trusts to evade taxes, Norman Spencer Law Group’s expertise in both trust and tax law will be crucial. We’ll review the trust arrangements, ensure compliance with IRS regulations, and defend you against allegations of tax evasion. If issues are identified, we’ll work to resolve them and minimize penalties.

How Norman Spencer Law Group Can Help

Facing an IRS investigation for tax evasion is a daunting experience, but with the right legal representation, you can navigate this process and protect your financial future. Here’s how Norman Spencer Law Group can assist:

1. Comprehensive Review and Analysis

Our team will conduct a thorough review of your financial records, tax returns, and other relevant documentation to identify potential issues and build a strong defense. We collaborate with forensic accountants to analyze complex financial transactions and uncover any errors or discrepancies.

2. Negotiation and Settlement

If the IRS has evidence of tax evasion, we can negotiate on your behalf to reach a settlement that minimizes penalties and avoids criminal charges. This may involve correcting errors on your tax returns, paying back taxes, or negotiating a payment plan.

3. Representation in Court

Should your case go to court, Norman Spencer Law Group will provide aggressive representation to defend your rights and challenge the IRS’s evidence. Our goal is to achieve the best possible outcome, whether through acquittal, reduced charges, or a favorable plea agreement.

4. Ongoing Support and Compliance

After resolving your case, we can provide ongoing support to ensure that you remain in compliance with IRS regulations. This includes advising on best practices for tax reporting, helping you avoid future issues, and representing you in any subsequent audits or investigations.


Tax evasion is a serious crime with significant consequences, but understanding the most common schemes can help you avoid legal trouble and protect your financial future. If you are under investigation by the IRS for tax evasion, it’s crucial to have experienced legal representation on your side. Norman Spencer Law Group is here to help you navigate this complex process, defend your rights, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us today to discuss your situation and learn how we can assist you in defending against IRS tax evasion charges.